

Part 1 



(小提醒! 我們的學員中曾經有遇過少數態度不良的考官,學員MAX進入考場後語考官禮貌性打招呼地說:Nice to meet you!沒想到考官竟然回覆他: I hope so!氣的MAX差點沒破口大罵。萬一不幸遇到這樣的考官,菁英國際建議您,體諒考官一天要面試數十位考生的辛勞,難免疲累,當考生能新生體諒不和考官計較時,表現自然不會受到影響。)

你可以利用這個部分的題目暖身,建立和考官溝通的模式,關於如何在短短時間內建立良好溝通模式的問題,建議各位找一位口試考過高分(八分以上)的老師或同學請教。正所謂Golden First Impression(黃金第一印象)

建議考生在這個部分時,可以在自己有把握的範圍內盡量發揮,例如:如果問到故鄉的名人、名產等時,盡量提出有準備過的內容,熟悉就不容易犯錯。當然,這一切內容都是必須在考前就準備好的。菁英國際建議考生,進入考場前至少要準備過常考的十大主題: (篇幅有限完整版請參考官網)

  1. 自我介紹 
  2. Do you have a large or small family? 家庭房屋 
  3. What are your responsibilities? 工作責任 
  4. What kind of school did you go to as a child?教育背景 
  5. Where is your hometown located?家鄉名產 
  6. What’s the weather like in your country?氣候溫度 
  7. Have you ever been to a wedding?婚喪喜慶 
  8. What kind of places have you visited in your life?旅遊經驗
  9. How long have you known your best friend?益師良友
  10. How much time do you spend on your hobby?興趣嗜好



Your full name(全名)Nationality(國籍)Educational background(教育背景)Occupation and work experience(工作經驗)Personal interests(個人興趣)Family(家庭)Features of your home culture(本國文化特色)等。


Part 2









Describe a kind of music you often listen to.               
You should say:

  • The kind of music
  • A famous singer
  • Why do you like it

and explain how you felt when you listen to it




















O-opening (參考答案)

Well…speaking of my favorite kind of music, I like pop music (the) best.

E&E-example and explanation(參考答案)

There are three reasons why I like pop music so much.

First, it’s relaxing to listen to it. I feel happy when I listen to it.

Second, lyrics of pop music are usually more interesting and easier for me to understand. For example, I like hip-hop, too. However, it’s quite difficult to understand the lyrics unless you have it at hand.

Finally, my friends like to listen to pop music as well. By doing so, we can share our feelings together. And it also let us (to) become closer to each other.

C-conclusion (參考答案)

That’s why I love it so much, because I find someone to talk to after listening to pop music easily.

以上僅列出初步概念,可依照個人需要延伸想法,對話中,亦可適當加入像okay, well, in addition等轉折詞。

Part 3



  1. Why do you like the singer so much?
  2. Do you like opera?
  3. What about classical music?

曾經有學員問過: 萬一考試問到的音樂類型和準備的不一樣時怎麼辦?


Well…I don’t really listening to classical music. But I do like to listen to pop music. There are three reasons why I like pop music so much. First, it’s relaxing to listen to it. I feel happy when I listen to it. Second, lyrics of pop music are usually more interesting and easier for me to understand. For example, I like hip-hop, too. However, it’s quite difficult to understand the lyrics unless you have it at hand. Finally…




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