Rita Ora - Radioactive  



1___ to the sky
We unite
I'm feeling, I'm feeling, I'm feeling
Fe-feeling it
We rise tonight
I'm checking you out in your sweet desire
I'm coming over to make you mine
It's a crime boy, you so fine
I'm checking you out, boy it's a green light
I'm glad you came over, it was about time
It feels right, boy you're so fine
This love's 2___
Drop the bomb, let me feel the beat
This love's radioactive
Drop the bomb, let me feel the beat
Palms to the sky
You and I
I'm feeling, I'm feeling, I'm feeling
Fe-feeling it
We rise tonight
Palms to the sky
We unite
I'm feeling, I'm feeling, I'm feeling
Fe-feeling it
We rise tonight
Moving on beat as the world ends
This nuclear heat is a beautiful end
You might not live to tell, el, el, el, el, el, el
This love's radioactive
Drop the 3___, let me feel the beat
This love's radioactive
Drop the bomb, let me feel the beat
Palms to the sky

You and I
I'm feeling, I'm feeling, I'm feeling
Fe-feeling it
We rise tonight
Palms to the sky
We unite
I'm feeling, I'm feeling, I'm feeling
Fe-feeling it
We rise tonight
Palms to the sky
You, you, you, you and I
Palms to the sky
You, you, you, you and I
Palms to the sky
You, you, you, you and I
We rise tonight
Palms to the sky
You and I
I'm feeling, I'm feeling, I'm feeling
Fe-feeling it
We rise tonight
Palms to the sky
We unite
I'm feeling, I'm feeling, I'm feeling
Fe-feeling it
We rise tonight
We unite
You and I react tonight
We unite
You and I react tonight
We unite
You and I react tonight
You and I react tonight








1.Palms 2.radioactive 3.bomb





n. 名詞 [C]
手掌, 手心
She placed the money in his palm. 她把錢放在他的手心裡。
一手寬; 一手長
vt. 及物動詞
The magician palmed the coin and suddenly produced it from the boy's ear. 魔術師把硬幣藏在手心, 突然又從那個男孩的耳朵裡拿了出來。
用手掌觸摸; 與...握手
The salesman tried to palm us off with some shop-soiled clothes. 那個店員想哄我們買下一些已陳列許久的衣服。



a. 形容詞



n. 名詞 [C]
A time bomb exploded twenty minutes after the plane took off. 飛機起飛後二十分鐘一枚定時炸彈爆炸了。
原子彈; 核武器[the S]
筒形高壓氣體容器; 放射性物質容器
突發事件; 轟動一時的事物
That play turned out to be a total bomb. 那齣戲結果徹底失敗。
The novel was selling like a bomb. 那本小說賣得如火如荼。
vt. 及物動詞
轟炸; 轟擊
The enemy planes bombed the city twice in a week. 敵機一週內對此城轟炸過兩次。
vi. 不及物動詞
轟炸, 投彈
Their new products bombed on the home market. 他們的新產品在國內市場銷售失敗。




Rita Ora isn’t very successful in the US but she has amassed a respectable following in the UK. As such, the singer has planned to capitalise on that popularity when she kicks off her ‘Radioactive Tour’ at the top of the new year.



The ‘Radioactive Tour’ will comprise eight shows and will launch on January 28th 2013 at Manchester Academy. Tickets for the venture are now available via Ticketmaster and Live Nation. See the full list of dates below:





嘻哈教皇Jay Z欽點、力邀加入單曲〈Young Forever〉音樂錄影帶的英倫流行嘻哈新人瑞塔歐拉 (Rita Ora) ,相繼在德瑞克 (Drake) 的〈Over〉的MV露臉及獻聲DJ Fresh的首支全英冠軍單曲〈Hot Right Now〉後,個人首支單曲〈R.I.P〉也氣勢如虹的拿下她個人樂涯的第二支全英冠軍曲,讓她成為2012年英國金榜上,唯一位擁有兩支冠軍單曲的女歌手,同時也是今年上半年銷售速度最快的新進女歌手。


瑞塔歐拉個人首支全英冠軍單曲〈R.I.P〉,請來嘻哈才子德瑞克 (Drake) 譜寫、英倫電音潮流dubstep雙人組Chase & Status、挪威黃金組合Stargate聯手操刀製作,英國嘻哈王子Tinie Tempah 跨刀獻聲的完美組合,也一舉成功將瑞塔歐拉拱上全英單曲后座,成為英國當今最夯單曲。她個人第二支全新單曲〈How We Do(Party)〉已在美國告牌單曲挺進熱門百大、愛爾蘭Top2的好成績,問鼎全英單曲金榜后冠之姿已是蓄勢待發,並將在英國暑假最大音樂季「T in the Park」中獻唱兩首橫跨英、美兩地的暢銷作品,並將和DJ Fresh、Coldplay等攜手展開全歐演唱會。











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