Ke$ha - C  




Saw you leaning against that old record machine
Saw the name of your band written on the 1___
It's a full moon tonight so we gettin' rowdy
Yeah, we gettin' rowdy, get-get-gettin' 2___



Feeling like I'm a high schooler sipping on a warm wine cooler
Hot 'cause the party don't stop, I'm in a crop top like I'm working at Hooters
We been keepin' it PG but I wanna get a little frisky
Come gimme some of that, yum like a lollipop, let me set you free



C'mon 'cause I know what I like
And you're looking just like my type
Let's go for it just for tonight
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Now don't even try to deny
We're both going home 3___
Let's go for it just for tonight
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon



Write our names on the wall in the back of the bar
Steal some bubble from the corner meximart
Yeah, we laughing like kids causing trouble in the dark
Causing trouble in the dark, tr-tr-trouble in the dark



Feeling like a sabertooth tiger sipping on a warm Buddweiser
Touch me and gimme that rush, better pack a toothbrush, gonna pull an all-nighter
We been keepin' it Kosher, but I wanna get it on fo' sure
Come gimme some of that, yum like a lollipop, baby, don't be 4___





I don't wanna go to sleep
I wanna stay up all night
I wanna just screw around
I don't wanna think about
What's gonna be after this
I wanna just live right now


I don't wanna go to sleep
I wanna stay up all night
I wanna just screw around
I don't wanna think about
What's gonna be after this
I wanna just live right now














1.marquee 2.rowdy 3.satisfied 4.scurred





n. 名詞
【美】(入口處的)華蓋; 遮篷





n. 名詞
粗暴的人; 無賴
a. 形容詞
粗暴的; 喧鬧的





a. 形容詞
感到滿意的; 令人滿意的; 滿足的
vt. 及物動詞
動詞 satisfy 的過去式和過去分詞
vi. 不及物動詞
動詞 satisfy 的過去式和過去分詞





vi. 不及物動詞
急匆匆地跑; 急趕[Q]
The mouse scurried into its hole when the cat appeared. 貓一出來的時候, 老鼠便匆匆跑進洞裡去了。
vt. 及物動詞
n. 名詞
急促奔跑(聲)[U][the S]
I heard a scurry of footsteps. 我聽到一陣匆忙奔跑的腳步聲。






If I had to describe Ke$ha‘s music video for “C’mon” from a literal standpoint, I guess I’d say this: A young-ish human lady does a bunch of drugs with her posse of reject mascots from a forgotten ’70s amusement park, then robs a convenience store and proceeds to dance in the wreckage of her chaos. Oh, and she turns a guy into a cat. I think that pretty much sums it up.



If, however, I were to describe it from a analytical standpoint, I’d say it’s just a metaphor for how we all feel deep down inside. When we do acid.



Ke$ha’s ‘Die Young’ Controversy
It’s a good thing Ke$ha released “C’Mon” so quickly, because her last single, “Die Young,” didn’t exactly perform as well as she’d hoped.



Following the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., Ke$ha’s song received a major backlash. TMZ reports that “Die Young” was No. 3 on radio playlists the day of the Friday shooting, but by that Monday, it had dropped significantly. It went from reaching 167 million nationwide listeners to 148 million, an unheard-of decline, according to music industry insiders.



But how did Ke$ha respond to the controversy? Here’s the statement she posted on her official website:


“After such a tragic event I was feeling a lot of emotion and sadness when I said I was forced to sing some of the lyrics to Die Young. Forced is not the right word.I did have some concerns about the phrase “die young” in the chorus when we were writing the lyrics especially because so many of my fans are young and that’s one reason why I wrote so many versions of this song. But the point of the song is the importance of living every day to the fullest and staying young at heart, and these are things I truly believe.”





全名:Kesha Rose Sebert


任意把玩最夯電子舞曲,特立獨行大搞街頭創意,寫歌說唱一把罩,玩世不恭、話題不斷,她的出現讓 Lady Gaga 終於遇上對手!名字巧妙搭上美元符號「$」的 Ke$ha 誓言用流行無罪、搖滾萬歲、派對至上、電音時尚之理念,嗨翻全球音樂版圖!22 歲的 Ke$ha 被喻為是瑪丹娜與野獸男孩的絕妙混搭,專輯還沒推出,時人雜誌、娛樂週刊、滾石雜誌等重量級媒體早早預言她「錢」途無量;果然 21 世紀第一個十年過後,主張「garbage-chic」的Ke$ha 成為 2010 年 Billboard 首位單曲榜冠軍歌手,處女大碟『Animal』隨即空降專輯榜冠軍,惡女風暴狂掃全球。




全名「Kesha Rose Sebert」的 Ke$ha,出生洛杉磯,卻在鄉村音樂重鎮納許維爾成長。在創作歌手母親 Pebe Sebert 鼓勵下立志成為歌手,她自製粗糙DEMO帶四處爭取機會,讓最夯製作/寫歌搭檔 Dr. Luke 和 Max Martin (艾薇兒、布蘭妮)大為驚豔,Ke$ha 馬上放棄高中學業,和RCA唱片簽下合約。Ke$ha 出道前接連曝光:擔任布蘭妮、芭莉絲合聲、暖身獻唱饒舌高手 Flo Rida 的英美冠軍曲「Right Round」、拍攝好友 Katy Perry「I Kissed A Girl」MV,而迪士尼小天后麥莉也演唱她的創作,打響這位電音舞曲創作女聲的知名度。










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