東區 英文 | 世界新聞攝影叢書《照片背後》(Behind Photographs





Steve McCurry : “Peshawar, Pakistan 1984 | I looked for this girl for 17 years and finally found her in 2002. her name is Sharbat Gula.




Phil Stern : ” NO… I don’t know what she was thnking – 1953 at L.A. hospital Benefit.” – Marilyn Monroe



Lyle Owerko : ” …I did the best job I could in photographing 9/11 so that future generations would have an idea of the scope of what happened, to have evidence of how innocence can so easily be snatched away in a razor’s edged moment. My hope is that in time the wounds and the pain will heal and that wisdom and peace will prevail amoung the darkness of the event, so that humanity can move forward into a time of grace and understanding..”




Elliott Erwitt : “The picture I am holding was snapped in 1974 just across the street form my apartment in New York’s Central Park. It has been 38 years since that event and sadly I have lost track of the participants.”



Nick Ut : June 8, 1972 ; Trang bang village : Kim Phuc 9 year old girl: South Vietnam drop napalm in her village.” – Nick and Kim still keep in touch




Mary Ellen Mark : ” I am holding my photograph of Ram Prakash Singh with his beloved elephant Shyama – taken in 1990. Ram Prakash Singh was the ringmaster of the ” The Great Golden Circus”- The photograph was done in Ahmedabad India – This was part of my Indian Circus Project-… Unfortunately Shayama died a few months after this photograph was taken – supposedly he succumbed to a poisoned chapatti – Ram Prakash Singh was heartbroken – me also.”




An inside look at Mantoani Studios, during a shoot with photographer Art Streiber, with the 20×24 Polaroid camera.

“Cameras did not make these photographs, the photographers did. Without the dedication of photographers, like these passionate men and women, history would not have been recorded through their eyes and these moments they hold would not exist for our observation. Some of these photographers not only documented their generation but, their photographs have defined it.” – Tim Mantoani



Tim Mantoani 是一名南加州/紐約的專業攝影師,於 2006 年 12 月中,以長達五年時間完全一項個人攝影計劃,名為 “Behind Photographs”「照片的背後」。

此計劃找來超過一百五十位著名攝影師,手上拉著其個人經典代表作, Mantoani 並用一台 20×24 的寶麗來相機記錄原創攝影師看待自己與自己作品的角度。拍攝後的照片會給被拍的原創攝影師在照片底部寫上他們的感受,從而了解其作品背後的意義。

進行此項作品時,不幸遇上寶麗來公司申請破產,是其中一個因素令拍攝成本上升,一張作品成本約高達 200 美元(約 1560 港元),但憑著 Mantoani 的堅持,最終完成這本集世界名照及原創攝影師的相集。









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