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Bye Bye MSN Messenger – Microsoft ditch chat service in favor of Skype
Microsoft may be working to completely retire Windows Live Messenger (formerly named MSN Messenger) in the coming months, with plans to integrate the service into Skype, reports the Verge.
An official announcement revealing this change could come as soon as this week, although Microsoft has yet to confirm or deny anything. This decision would make quite a lot of sense, if true, as Microsoft has been in the process of retiring the entire Windows Live brand for months.
Windows Live Messenger relies on Microsoft’s Messenger service — the same service that is already being used to support Skype. Having a shared architecture could be an early sign that a merger is coming. Additionally, consolidating services like this would reduce the potential confusion that duplicate options often cause.
Microsoft only released Windows Live Messenger 2012 back in August, which suggests that the company is taking its time moving things over. As of 2009, Windows Live Messenger had over 330 million monthly active users. At the very least, this means that Skype will soon see a major jump in numbers.
根據科技新聞網站The Next Web報導,11月6日微軟已證實,將在2013年第一季,正式停止MSN服務,全球超過1億名用戶將全數轉移至Skype平台。
隨著臉書與其他行動app的興起,MSN似乎成了過氣產品,使用者人數急速萎縮。美國康納仕(Condé Nast)雜誌集團旗下的科技部落格Ars Technica的推估,2011年MSN每月的活躍用戶大約為3億人。但根據微軟最新的說法,如今僅有1億名用戶,短短一年的時間便迅速流失2億名使用者。
自從去年微軟以85億美元的價格收購Skype,便有意將其整合至微軟的所有產品之中,正如同Bing不僅僅是個搜尋引擎而已,它已成為微軟所有產品內建的搜尋與篩選工具,例如在app store搜尋你需要的app,Skype日後也將成為微軟所有產品的內建功能。