








Federal Express - 'China to Australia' 聯邦快遞


This wonderful ad clearly brings out the fact that distances certainly don't matter for Fed Ex and no place is far away.


對於 Fed Ex 來說,「從中國寄送物品到澳洲」就像拿東西到你家隔壁鄰居一樣快速,完美呈現了「多遠的距離都不是問題」!怪不得有運輸、電子商務服務需求時,第一個就會想到使命必達的Fed Ex。



﹡ Duracell Batteries 金頂電池


"Some Toys Never Die" This creepy ad by Duracell batteries highlights the long life of the batteries produced by them and just how they never seem to wear off.




 Creepy (adj.) 令人毛骨悚然的

 Wear off (疼痛或某種效果)逐漸減少(消失)

The effects of the anaesthetic were starting to wear off.



﹡ Volkswagen 福斯汽車


Precision Parking precisely presented.




﹡ Orion Telescopes 獵戶座望遠鏡


Magnifies to the details! Its magnification beyond imagination.

連美國國旗上的 Made in China 都看的到,它的放大功能肯定超乎你想像!


 Magnify (v.) 放大

Magnifying glass 放大鏡

 Beyond imagination 難以想像

His thought is beyond the reach of my imagination.




﹡ Chupa Chups Lollipop 加倍佳棒棒糖


A clever ad for a sugar free lollipop, one that doesn't even attract ants.

全世界第一家棒棒糖公司Chupa Chups,保證健康無糖,連螞蟻都不愛。


﹡ Kel Optic 眼鏡

Clarity that is just so vivid that you never have to worry about bad vision ever. Brings out the clearest picture ever!



﹡ MA - 'Discover the whole story' 莫斯科國家建築博物館


Don't just rely on the outsides of something, discover what lies beneath...the truth! a very well-thought-out ad 「發現整個故事」:看事情要看全貌,勿以貌取人。

(圖為Saint Basil’s Cathedral 聖巴西爾大教堂)


 Well-thought-out (adj.) 深思熟慮出來的



﹡ Mc Donalds 麥當勞


Free wi-fi expressed through its own product. Very eye-catching.



 Eye-catching (adj.) 引人注目的


﹡ World Wildlife Foundation 世界野生生物基金會

WWF has always aimed towards saving animals and this ad is a great symbol of the horror of seeing a shark and the even greater horror of never seeing it again.

Save Sharks.



﹡ Dog Chow 狗食


Stop treating your dog like a trash can. Treat him the way you should treat a pet and give him some good food. Dog chow has an intelligent way of selling its product by highlighting the negligence on the part of dog owners by feeding their dogs whatever is left over from their plates. Its a total disrespect to the animal.



 Negligence (n.) 疏忽,粗心

The accident was caused by the negligence of the driver.






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