東區學英文 | 東區菁英英語新聞 iPhone 5 曝光
(CNN) -- Another week, another round of iPhone 5 rumors. This time, it's an apparent case for the unreleased phone that has Apple fans buzzing.
Mobile Fun, a British mobile-phone blog, has posted images of what it says is the design for a next-generation iPhone case leaked "from a Chinese case manufacturer."
The case, and an image the blog says was later sent to them by another manufacturer, suggest what they call "massive changes" to the iPhone 5, or whatever it will be called.
Among them: what appears to be a larger, roughly 4-inch display screen, a curved rear panel more like earlier iPhones than the iPhone 4, and a hole on the back -- about where the Apple logo is on current phones. Some Apple observers speculate that hole indicates a possible new location for the device's antenna, replacing the iPhone 4's much maligned side antenna.
"If these images are authentic -- and we have every reason to believe that they are -- then the iPhone 5 is a radical evolution of the iPhone concept, and a bigger departure from the iPhone 4 than previous case images have shown," the blog post reads.
But MacRumors, a popular blog focused on, well, what its name says, isn't convinced.
"We suspect all of the images and information are coming from a common source, but we don't necessarily believe it to be true ...," wrote Arnold Kim of MacRumors. "[W]e received a reliable tip that this is not what the iPhone 5 will look like. As well, several other credible news outlets have said that the iPhone 5 will look largely similar to the current iPhone 4."
Based on multiple reports, all of them from unnamed sources due to Apple's loose-lips-sink-ships policy on details about upcoming products, the next version of the iPhone will be announced in September.
The China Times pinpoints the iPhone 5 release to the second week of September with an initial order of 4 million units, MacRumors said.
A better camera, a faster processor, a bigger screen -- all have been mentioned repeatedly in rumors that inevitably swirl every time a new Apple product is in the works.
And there's obviously an audience for every one of these speculative tidbits.
A recent survey of about 3,000 consumers showed that 35 percent of them plan to buy Apple's next phone when it hits the market -- despite not knowing anything about it yet.
iPhone 5曝光 機身弧背更輕薄?
iPhone 5終於曝光了嗎?傳聞將於今年9月5日,推出的蘋果智慧手機iPhone 5,美國民眾目擊蘋果工程師在酒吧把玩原型機,加上從中國大陸製造商,流出的機殼,顯示新一代iPhone外型更薄,螢幕加大,至於規格仍是一團謎,眾說紛紜。
蘋果迷網站接獲網友爆料,有美國網友目擊,疑似是蘋果員工的男子在酒吧玩iPhone 5原型機,男子手指還刻意,遮住機身背面的蘋果商標,網友趁對方鬆懈,拍下露出蘋果一角的手機照片,這名網友認為,他覺得偷拍的手機和iPhone3GS及iPhone4都不像,而英國手機部落格也刊出,這張中國大陸手機殼製造商的新一代iPhone手機殼照片,iPhone 5外觀和iPhone 4根本差異不大,但機身背面是弧形,走回3GS版設計,但厚度比3GS薄,螢幕增大為4吋。