東區學英語 | 菁英東區校英倫嘻哈搞怪女伶Jessice J 唱出校園霸凌心聲 Who's laughing now


Jessie J - Who You Are (FanMade Single Cover) Made by Nixmix.jpg  


Mummy theycall me names
They wouldn't letme play
I'd run home, sitand cry almost everyday
'Hey Jessica, youlook like an alien
With green skin youdon't fit in this playpen'
Well they pull myhair
They took away mychair
I keep it in andpretend that I didn't care
'Hey Jessica,you're so funny
You've got teethjust like Bugs bunny'

Oh, so you thinkyou know me now
Have you forgottenhow
You would make mefeel
When you drag myspirit down
But thank you forthe pain
It made me raise mygame
And I'm stillrising, I'm still rising

So make your jokes
Go for broke
Blow your smoke
You're not alone
But who's laughingnow
But who's laughingnow
So raise the bar
Hit me hard
Play your cards
Be a star
But who's laughingnow
But who's laughingnow

Cos I'm in L.A
You think I've mademy fame
If it makes usfriends
When you onlyreally know my name
'Oh Jessie, we knewyou could make it
I've got a trackand I'd love you to take it'
So now because I'msigned
You think mypockets lined
4 years now and I'mstill waiting in the line
'Oh Jessie, I sawyou on youtube
I tagged old photosfrom when we was at school'

Oh, so you thinkyou know me now
Have you forgottenhow
You would make mefeel
When you drag myspirit down
But thank you forthe pain
It made me raise mygame
And I'm stillrising, I'm still rising

So make your jokes

Go for broke
Blow your smoke
You're not alone
But who's laughingnow
But who's laughingnow
So raise the bar
Hit me hard
Play your cards
Be a star
But who's laughingnow
But who's laughingnow

She broke out ofthe box
Swallowed yourprideqw
You got that egocough
Let the haters hate
You're like way toolate
See I got a messagefrom you
'Hola, I'm proud ofyou'
'Oh my god babeyour voice is like wow!'
My reply: Who'slaughing now

Oh, so you thinkyou know me now
Have you forgottenhow
You would make mefeel
When you drag myspirit down
But thank you forthe pain
It made me raise mygame
And I'm stillrising, I'm still rising

So make your jokes
Go for broke
Blow your smoke
You're not alone
But who's laughingnow
But who's laughingnow
So raise the bar
Hit me hard
Play your cards
Be a star
But who's laughingnow
But who's laughingnow

So make your jokes
Go for broke
Blow your smoke
You're not alone
But who's laughingnow
But who's laughingnow
So raise the bar
Hit me hard
Play your cards
Be a star
But who's laughingnow





2011英國被譽為女神卡卡(LADY GAGA)的創作流行歌手Jessice J,出道經歷與女神卡卡如出一轍,從幕後轉戰幕前,獨特嗓音與強烈的個人風格。單曲who's laughing now乎應當紅的社會議題【校園霸凌】,MV中的貌似Jessice J的小妹妹,長期忍受同學嘲笑的壓力,用滅火器作為報復工具,詼諧的拍攝手法,與台灣音樂錄影帶有很大的差異;這幾年的音樂MV劇情,不外乎帥哥美女的感情糾葛,與轟轟烈烈的愛情,透過Jessice J音樂觀點告訴世人,這個社會不是只有愛情。



英文姓名:Jessie J
本名:Jessica Ellen Cornish

本名Jessica Ellen CornishJessie,曾演出百老匯創作巨擘Andrew Lloyd Webber改編的「微風輕哨」。17歲時,因優異的演唱功力,加入一個女子組合,並持續在樂壇有所動作,之後終於和Gut Records牽上線,公司卻在作品出版前無預警倒閉!退居幕後的Jessie,找尋到創作的一片天,陸續作嫁於暢銷歌手的專輯裡頭。2008年受邀於百變歌姬Cyndi Lauper的「Bring Ya To The Brink Tour」巡演擔任合音天使,仍然想走上台前的Jessie,在累積多首好歌的加持下,進入環球唱片旗下,努力打造個人首張處女秀【Who You Are】。

在尚未正式發片前,Jessie J已率先風光抱回全英音樂獎「樂評票選最具潛力新人」榮耀、登上BBCSoundOf 2011」首位,連最型潮男Justin Timberlake也出聲褒揚:「地球上現今最讚的歌手!」公開雙性戀傾向、絕對忠於自我個性的Jessie J,不僅在英倫大受歡迎,就連美國也領教了這位才女的高超創作能力,除了寫出人氣小天后Miley Cyrus的亞軍曲《Party In The U.S.A. 》之外,實力偶像RihannaJustinTimberlakeAlicia KeysChristinaAguilera…等,也紛紛排隊向Jessie邀歌。歌唱實力與創作才華備受肯定的Jessie J,無疑是2011年最被看好的明日之星!


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