The First Major Superhero Crossover Flick
If The Avengers isn’t one of the best, if not THE best superhero movie ever made, Marvel will have REALLY screwed up. Thankfully, when it comes to movies they don’t seem to be in that habit. The Iron Man movies, Captain America: The First Avenger and Thor were all really good, and The Incredible Hulk was pretty decent. We’ve got an all-star cast lined up, and in Joss Whedon we’ve got a director who knows his way around superheroes, science fiction and fantasy. When The Avengers opens, the world’s eyes are going to be on Marvel more than ever. To say the least, it’s a high stakes, high pressure situation. But the stars seem to be aligning for this movie, and I’m expecting great things. Before it’s all said and done, Marvel may make true believers out of everybody.
Meanwhile, in a true case of “everybody wins,” DC is pulling out their heaviest hitter in response
The Avengers together for the first time in this 1978 made for TV movie.. They face off with their greatest foe yet… KISS, under the power of Loki, played by Paul Lynde.
不知道大家去看了最新的《復仇者聯盟》(The Avengers) 電影嗎?由於一口氣集合鋼鐵人、美國隊長、綠巨人浩克、雷神索爾等超級英雄,所以讓這部由 Marvel 出品的電影成為近期最受矚目的好萊塢大片。不過你知道嗎?其實 30 年前 (1978 年),美國 CBS 電視台就曾經推出過復仇者聯盟的電視影集,只不過當時的電影特效、化妝技術都不像現在那麼發達,所以不僅鋼鐵人、美國隊長、綠巨人浩克、雷神索爾等英雄的造型都只能用爆笑兩字來形容,完全沒有超級英雄該有的帥氣模樣,就連黑寡婦看來都只像是一個功夫不怎麼樣的潑婦而已,看了保證會讓人捧腹大笑。