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'The Dark Knight Rises' Viral Marketing Reveals More Plot Hints


With opening day just a little over three and a half weeks away, Mountain Dew’s viral marketing site for The Dark Knight Rises — DewGothamCity.com — has already unveiled clues about the movie’s story, as well as launching a contest allowing fans to upload their best fan video to win free tickets to an early premier screening of the final film in director Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy.

Today, a new piece of the puzzle was made available on the DewGothamCity.com site, so keep reading for details!


Fans already know the marketing site contains a map that lets you “Hit The Streets” of Gotham. There, you can choose between several destinations to explore, one of which is the Applied Sciences lab at Wayne Enterprises. Earlier today, that location revealed a new secret letter from Lucius Fox written to Bruce Wayne, and the lengthy letter provides fans with clues about what might be going on behind Bruce’s back at his company.

For starters, Lucius makes it clear Bruce has been “missing in action” from the company for quite a long time, and further that Bruce apparently isn’t even willing to see visitors at his home. It appears, then, that at the start of the film we’ll see a Bruce Wayne who sequesters himself at home. “Alfred tells me I am better off writing as you are not receiving any visitors at the moment,” says the letter, demonstrating just how much of a hermit Bruce has become.

It’s also clear from the letter that Wayne Enterprises has moved more toward philanthropic investments to try and help Gotham City, including one special project that seems to be sucking up an awful lot of funding in Applied Sciences. And the company’s board of directors are starting to ask questions — questions Lucius can’t easily answer. This is causing a power struggle within the company, and Lucius asks Bruce to speak to him about these problems face to face. “[O]ur R&D spending has been on an astronomical uptrend,” Lucius writes, and he continues, “I am being put into a position where I have to answer certain questions,” before mentioning one particular special project I’ll talk about in a moment.














在《黑暗騎士》中蝙蝠俠為了保全檢察官哈維·丹特(亞倫·艾克哈特)的正義形象,所以自願背負起殺人罪名,在失去好友與心愛女人的雙重打擊之下,蝙蝠俠選擇「退隱」回歸到布魯斯·韋恩的角色。但是在日落之後,黑暗正伺機而動著,高譚市民原以為的和平,在「毀滅者」班恩(湯姆·哈迪 Tom Hardy飾)的瘋狂反動下,捲起了一波波的毀滅行動,就連監獄中的重大罪犯也全部釋放出來!


這一次蝙蝠俠將重批帥氣的緊身戰袍,對抗暴力「毀滅者」班恩與從監獄脫逃的罪犯。不僅如此這一次更增加幾位新成員,包含:安海瑟葳所飾演莎蓮娜凱柔 (Selina Kyle )貓女、瑪莉詠柯蒂亞飾演的米蘭達泰德(Miranda Tate)是布魯斯偉恩的小秘書,喬瑟夫高登李維(Joseph Gordon-Levitt)演出的探員約翰布萊克(John Blake)。當然還有超強硬班底:米高肯恩、蓋瑞歐德曼及奧斯卡獎得獎男星摩根佛里曼等一起對抗黑暗勢力。7月20日就讓我們一起到電影院欣賞,照亮黑暗的《黑暗騎士》吧!













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