東區 英文 | 貓頭鷹城市輕快電子樂風"When can I see you again" 《無敵破壞王》電影主題曲

Owl City – When Can I See You Again Lyrics  


When can I see you again?
When can we do this again?
When can I see you again?
When can we do this again?
When can I see you again?


Switch on the sky and the stars 1___for you
Go see the world ‘cause it’s all so brand new
Don’t close your eyes ‘cause your 2___ ready to shine
It’s just a matter of time, before we learn how to fly
Welcome to the rhythm of the night
There’s something in the air you can’t deny


It’s been fun but now I’ve got to go
Life it way too short to take it slow
But before I go and hit the road
I gotta know, ‘til then,
when can we do this again?
Oh oh oh oh
When can I see you again?
Oh oh oh oh
When can we do this again?
Oh oh oh oh
I gotta know, when can I see you again?
(When can I see you again?)


Joined at the hip, yeah your sidekick needs you
Life is a trip down the road that leads you
Look all around at all the mountains you haven’t 3___
It’s just a matter of time, before we learn how to fly
Welcome to the rhythm of the night
There’s something in the air you can’t 4___


It’s been fun but now I’ve got to go
Life is way too short to take it slow
But before I go and hit the road
I gotta know, ‘til then,
when can we do this again?
Oh oh oh oh
When can I see you again?
Oh oh oh oh
When can we do this again?
Oh oh oh oh
I gotta know,
When can I see you again?


Don’t close your eyes ‘cause your futures’s ready to 5___
It’s just a matter of time, before we learn how to fly
Welcome to the rhythm of the night
There’s something in the air you can’t deny
So let me know before I wave goodbye



When can I see you again?
Oh oh oh oh
When can we do this again?
Oh oh oh oh
When can I see you again?
Oh oh oh oh
When can we do this again?
Oh oh oh oh


Yeah, it’s been fun but now I’ve got to go
Life is way too short to take it slow
But before I go and hit the road
Tell me when
When can I see you again?
When can I see you again?
Tell me when
When can I see you again?



1.glow 2.future 3.climbed 4.deny 5.shine








vi. 不及物動詞
發白熱光, 灼熱; 發光, 發熱
The remains of the fire glowed for hours. 火的餘燼好幾小時都發著光亮。
(因運動或激動等而)發熱, 發紅; 容光煥發[(+with)]
His face glowed all over with pleasure. 他高興得滿面紅光。
(感情等)洋溢; (怒火等)燃燒[(+with)]
He glowed with rage. 他怒容滿面。
色彩紛呈; 鮮豔奪目
The autumn leaves glowed in the sunshine. 秋日的樹葉在陽光照耀下鮮豔奪目。
白熱光; 灼熱
色彩鮮豔; 光輝
臉紅; (身體)發熱[(+of)]
Her face has the glow of health. 她臉色紅潤。
激情; 熱烈, 興高采烈[(+of)]
She felt a glow of pride at her daughter's achievements. 她為女兒的成就感到非常自豪。





n. 名詞
未來, 將來[the S]
He felt confident in the future. 他對未來充滿信心。
You have a great future. 你前途無量。
I am afraid your idea has no future. 我恐怕你的想法不會成功。
【文】將來時; 將來式
a. 形容詞
未來的, 將來的
I met my future wife at a dance. 我是在一個舞會上結識了我未來的妻子的。






vt. 及物動詞
爬, 攀登; 登上
We started to climb the hill. 我們開始爬山。
vi. 不及物動詞
爬, 攀登
They climbed out through the window. 他們從窗戶爬了出來。
(太陽等)徐徐上升; (物價等)逐漸上升
The price of grain climbed back. 糧價逐漸回升了。
(植物)攀緣向上; (道路等)傾斜向上
The ivy climbed up the wall. 長春藤沿著牆攀緣而上。
(在社會地位等方面)上升, 向上爬
匆匆穿上(或脫下)[(+into/out of)]
n. 名詞
攀登, 攀爬[the S]
The climb down was even harder than the climb up. 那一次下山比上山還艱難。
需攀登的地方; 山坡[S1]





vt. 及物動詞
否定, 否認[+v-ing][+(that)][O2]
There is no denying that... 事實不可否認...
I do not deny that is a serious blow. 我不否認那是嚴重的一擊。
He denied having seen these watches before. 他否認曾經見過這些手錶。
He didn't deny the facts. 他不否認事實。
拒絕給予; 拒絕...的要求[O1]
Women were then denied the right to vote. 那時婦女被拒給選舉權。
(與oneself連用)節制; 戒絕[O1]
否認...是自己的; 不承認; 否認與...有關係





vi. 不及物動詞
發光; 照耀
The sun shone bright and warm. 陽光燦爛和煦。
顯露; 發亮
The joy shone clear on his face. 他喜形於色。
出眾, 傑出[(+at/in)]
He shines at golf. 他高爾夫球打得很出色。
vt. 及物動詞
把...的光投向, 把...照向[O]
He shone the flashlight on the water. 他用手電筒照了照水面。
(shined; shined)擦亮
Have you shined your boots? 你皮靴擦過沒有?
n. 名詞
光, 光亮; 光澤; 光彩[S]
The waxed floor had a good shine. 打蠟地板閃閃發光。
磨光, 擦亮[S]
Your shoes need a shine. 你的皮鞋要擦一擦。
陽光, 晴天[U]





Owl City is still riding out the high of his smash collaboration with Carly Rae Jepsen, “Good Time,” but he’s giving fans a taste of a new song he wrote following the release of The Midsummer Station, titled “When Can I See You Again.” (No question mark at the end of that? What does it mean, Adam?)

The uptempo dance-pop song, taken from the soundtrack for the upcoming Disney film Wreck-It Ralph, features vocalist Adam Young‘s light vocals over a bed of pounding drums and twinkly synths. “As a huge fan of Disney animation films growing up, it was a real honor to write ‘When Can I See You Again’ for Wreck-It Ralph,” he told AOL Music. “I felt like it was really challenging to try to live up to the Disney legacy. I had a blast.” Hear “When Can I See You Again” after the jump.





 國際線上娛樂報道:迪士尼影業2012年最新作品《無敵破壞王》(Wreck-It Ralph) 將於11月6日全國上映,迪士尼為了這部壓軸動畫巨制也煞費苦心,不僅動用最新穎最強大的電腦動畫技術打造出炫目多彩的畫面,也請來貓頭鷹之城等國際知名樂隊獻唱主題曲與插曲,誓要為觀眾奉上一場難忘的視聽盛宴。


精彩的畫面要配上動聽的音樂才能傳神,這就是為什麼導演瑞奇·摩爾(Rich Moore) 請來美國著名的單人樂隊貓頭鷹之城(Owl City)等知名音樂人來獻唱主題曲與插曲了。貓頭鷹之城演唱的《我何時才能與你再見?》(When Can I See You Again?) 以歡樂明快又略帶憂鬱的曲調詮釋了影片中兩位主角的關係。









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