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At the same time as announcing the new iPad in March 2012, Apple also issued an update to its Apple TV.
It wasn't the full on Apple iTV, the rumoured Apple television that many had hopped for, rather it was a small revision to the existing media streamer of last year, retaining the same form factor but with an updated menu system and faster processor.
The biggest change though is its new ability to stream and play full 1080p HD movies - last year's model could only manage 720p, which was all the iTunes Store offered for movie rentals and purchasing anyway.
Of course, this means that Apple is going to have to update a lot of its iTunes Store catalogue to 1080p for you to get the most out of it, but most new movies were being offered in 1080p when we checked.
As well as enabling you to purchase and rent movies Apple TV does two other things of note - it acts as a browser for selected Internet content (YouTube, Vimeo, Netflix, iCloud, Podcasts, etc) and thanks to Apple's AirPlay system it can receive content streamed from a Mac, PC or iOS device and play it on your television
在先前有不少傳聞的蘋果電視產品,目前也終於在新款iPad發表會上正式公佈!主要介面看起來與iOS作業系統十分接近,主要將可提供線上電影、電視節目、音樂等內容租借播放,至於在外觀部份依然採用上一版Apple TV機上盒外觀,而並非先前傳聞是一整組的電視形式。
蘋果在稍早前正式公佈全新的Apple TV裝置,基本上外觀與上一代版本相同,一樣採用機上盒的設計,而並非像先前傳聞指出蘋果準備推出電視形式的Apple TV。操作介面更改為接近現行iOS介面,主要包含電影、電視節目、音樂等節目內容,同時亦可跟iCloud服務連動,意味著先前已經透過其他裝置付費的內容亦可在Apple TV上播放,至於先前已經付費下載過的內容將可免費下載1080P高畫質版本。
而Apple TV底下同時也能看見包含YouTube、NBA、MLB與Netflix等頻道,看起來將會如同任天堂Wii一般採用專用頻道App的方式呈現?此外,新款Apple TV也支援1080P的影像輸出,不過這樣同時也意味著連網頻寬必須要足夠才會比較好用
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