東區英文 | 菁英東區校追蹤新聞脈動 FACEBOOK上癮症




For DEVELOPERS OF MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES • Unintentionally, the world Unplugged study surfaced several key lessons for media and digital entrepreneurs – lessons topped by one observation:  The students in this study – from five continents, from the developed and the developing world – are increasingly platform agnostic, at least as far as carriers of bits of news and social information.




Young people around the world care most about whatever latest hardware or app can connect them most quickly to the people they most value. The students may have settled in for the foreseeable future with familiar social networks (Facebook, Twitter), they may have definite preferences about their favorite brands of phones (Blackberry v. iPhone), but the next “better” thing will get quickly picked up by the early adopters, and either steal market share or entirely displace older tools and technologies.




These savvy digital natives already rattle off an arms-length list of communication platforms and tools they use now to connect to friends: e.g. Facebook, QQ, RenRen, Weibo, Twitter, Skype Chat, Windows Live Messenger/MSN and BBM‘s – not to mention MMOGs. And many students casually mention that they maintain connections on a handful of these simultaneously, noting in passing that the friends they have on Facebook are a slightly different group than those they text, and that those they text are somewhat distinct from the group they call.  Then there are the people they email for work or school, who are separate from the set of friends they Skype Chat.  Students consider and sort through all these permutations automatically, but the implications are real for how they construct their social networks and shape their personal “brand” identities.




The world Unplugged study also surfaced another lesson about how students use media, both as consumers and as producers.  That could be called the “Bed Factor” – a supplement to the better-known “Working while Moving Factor” and the “Under the Table Factor.”   There has long been an understood need to create platforms that are small and mobile, so someone can make a call, surf the web, and update Facebook all while literally walking across town, or, even more often, semi-surreptitiously, one-handed under a table or desk.




The Unplugged study noted a related trend and need of this age group: Many students reported waking up and immediately checking their cell phones for texts and emails and Facebook updates while still lying in bed… and then checking them all one final time before falling asleep at night.








一個名為「The world unplugged」的研究,指出世界各地大學生已視手機、手提電腦、電視,以及社交網絡fbtwiffer等現代科技產物為不可或缺。研究訪問了香港中文大學、樹仁大學,中國重慶大學,以及分佈英國、美國、墨西哥、阿根廷、智利、斯洛伐克、黎巴嫩的大學,合共近一千名十七至二十三歲的大學生,要求他們每日記錄不准用手機、不准上網和登入社交網站,不准看電視的感覺,諸如會否感到煩躁、困惑、焦慮、易怒、沒有安全感、緊張、不安、瘋狂、癡迷、驚慌失措、嫉妒、憤怒、孤獨、依賴、抑鬱、緊張、偏執等。




我滿懷跟他們聯絡的強烈熱望。」負責研究的莫勒(Susan Moeller)教授說,科技改變了學生的人際關係。「學生們談到惶恐得怎樣,上癮到怎樣。他們早料到(停用的)挫折感,卻預想不到會有強烈心理反應,諸如感到寂寞、恐慌、焦慮,簡直是心悸。」












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