美國ABC實境節目 男嗑10萬卡漢堡逾240萬人點閱








Epic Meal Time is a fantastically popular online cooking show that premiered in October and now clocks about a million views per episode, with fan-favorites getting as many as two-and-a-half million. The episodes feature massive bacon-laden dishes that are the stuff of cardiologists' nightmares, like meat gingerbread houses and egg rolls the size of your head. We talked to host Harley Morenstein about censor birds, chefs who miss the point, and the next level up from bacon.



How did Epic Meal Time come to be?
We have a video on the internet that's so old… it's me, I'm eating a really huge hamburger at Wendy's with like six patties, 18 strips of bacon, and there's epic music playing. I like to think about it as the birth of Epic Meal Time. It was me and my buddy was filming it, he still films the new ones. And we've been eating like pigs our whole lives. Where I come from, Montreal, Quebec, it's a greasy place with lots of greasy food. We just decided to start filming it this past summer and we uploaded that first video in October, and just from the feedback we've been getting, it's weekly now, every Tuesday there's a new Epic Meal Time.



Who are all the people behind Epic Meal Time?
Well you've got myself, Harley, I'm the guy with the beard that's always yelling about cooking. You've got my partner, Sterling [Toth], he's the man behind the camera. He created Epic Meal Time with me. You've got Muscles Glasses [Alex Perrault], who's the douchebag in the aviators. We've got a whole bunch of goons, we've got Josh Elkin and who else, we've got Dave Heuff who helps with the cooking, like a sous chef/eater. He's the one who ate the egg roll. Tyler [Lemco], everyone on the internet used to hate him, always saying mean things to him whenever he was on the video. And we've got some cute girls as well, just hanging out and eating.



How much do these dishes cost to make?
Well like our first item was a pizza with lots of burgers on it, and that was about $80. Our Slaughthouse Christmas special was about $500. Five birds in a pig was about $450.



Crazy. Any merchandising plans?
Everything. Everything possible.









加拿大的大胃王莫倫斯坦(Harley Morenstein)在YouTube開設美食節目,標榜大分量和高熱量,包括用掉400片培根、熱量高達10萬9165卡的超大漢堡,該頻道(goo.gl/7CuNl)現已吸引逾240萬名網友訂閱。



吃大餐拍節目美國廣播公司(ABC)前天報導,26歲的莫倫斯坦與友人在YouTube播放的美食節目《大餐時間》(Epic Meal Time),每周都會以吃了容易導致血管堵塞的食材,製成超級不健康的料理,然後在鏡頭前吃下這些「美食」。 












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