東區 英文 | 2012最夯聖誕單曲 Wham + Psy = 'Last Gangnam Christmas'
Last Christmas, Wham gave you their hearts and then you went and gave it away. This Christmas, they're paying you back by making your ears bleed with a "Gangnam Style" mashup courtesy of DJ Paolo Monti.
The inescapable Psy hit infiltrates the holiday playlist with this tune. It's perfect for family gatherings in need of a little imaginary horse riding.
SEE ALSO: The Most Beautifully Depressing Christmas Carol Ever
Which musicians would you like to see team up on a holiday ditty duet? The Chipmunks and Nicki Minaj? Carly Rae Jepsen and Coolio? Tell us in the comments below.
“Gangnam-Style” ist das meistgesehene Youtube Video aller Zeiten. “Last Christmas” wurde gerade erst zum nervigsten Weihnachtshit gewählt. Nun gibt es sogar seit neuestem eine Coverversion der Sonderklasse des Wham!-Hits: Paolo Monti mischte Last Christmas mit… Gangnam Style.
Nun wird PSY uns also auch zur Adventszeit mit seinem Hit erfreuen, unterlegt mit der Melodie des Dauer-Weihnachtsohrwurms. George Michael und Andrew Ridgeley dürfen gnadenhalber die eine oder andere Strophe beisteuern. Freuen wir uns also schon darauf, bis tatsächlich weihnachtliche Ruhe einkehrt.
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance
But you still catch my eye
Tell me baby
Do you recognize me?
It's been a year
It doesn't surprise me
I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying "merry Christmas"
I wrapped it up and sent it
Now I know what a fool I've been
But if you kissed me now
I know you'd fool me again
A crowded room
Friends with tired eyes
I'm hiding from you
And your soul of ice
My god I thought you were
Someone to rely on
I guess I was a shoulder to cry on
A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man under cover but you tore me apart
Now I've found a real love you'll never fool me again
[Chorus: x2]
A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man under cover buy you tore him apart
Last christmas(中文譯名:去年聖誕)是英國組合威猛樂隊在1984年發表的一首聖誕歌曲,它描述了一個人在渡過聖誕節時的感受;由於這首歌直接觸動了無數的聽眾,因此成為經典之餘,並有多位歌手翻唱。